陈源拿着从眼镜少年那甲借来的年提刊了十几分钟,才下到五楼,网从五楼的楼梯口出来,陈源就忽然停住了脚步,鼻子噢了噢,噢到一股淡淡的腥臭气息,这股腥臭气,陈源感觉有些熟悉,但一时又想不来在哪儿闻过。The half hour CG film is based on Frank McCourt's only children's book, inspired by a story his mother Angela told him as a child. McCourt won the Pulitzer Prize for his best-selling memoir, Angela's Ashes. Set in Ireland in the 1910s, 'Angela's Christmas' is a funny, heart-warming and poignant story about the power of family and the innocent desire of a child to ensure everyone is safe, warm and loved at Christmas time.